
18th place

2975 points



Challenge Category Value Time
Cequetudisnaaucunsens Reverse 100
Real Secure Algorithm^TM Crypto 50
Cache Cache Misc 100
Nooo 1 Misc 50
Stronk Krypto Crypto 100
Nooo 2 Reverse 100
Cookie Check Web 50
Personnal keylogger Forensic 50
Vicious Cat Forensic 100
Hiding some secrets Web 100
Gluttony Pwn 100
Bad Hash Func Crypto 150
Hill clair connu Crypto 200
Lost in the wild Forensic 150
Le Fromage Irrésistible Web 150
Chats des internets Misc 25
Super Site To Inject Web 100
Easy Admin Web 50
Memtrap Reverse 300
alARM Reverse 150
PE Switch Reverse 100
Aïe, ca pyc ! Reverse 400
AEzS Crypto 150
Pshiiiiiiiit - Waters Web 150